Czech School of California


Preschool Classes Slunicka
- 18m to 3y

Slunicka classes – for children aged 18 months to 3 years – meet once a week for 1.5-2 hours.

The goal of this class is to help our youngest students develop their physical, cognitive, social and emotional capabilities in a Czech-speaking environment.

Lessons immerse children in Czech language and traditions, are play-based, filled with song and dance, craft and games focusing on early childhood development and fine/gross motor skills. Parents stay and participate with children under 3 years of age. Classes open based on demand and are tailored to the ages and abilities of the group.

Preschool Classes Broucci
- 3y to 6y

Broucci classes – for children aged 3 to 6 years of age – take place weekly on Saturday mornings from 9am to 12noon. Broucci class is led exclusively in a Czech speaking environment and immerses children in not only the language but also Czech customs and traditions. Our preschool curriculum focuses on expanding students’ vocabulary and improving their pronunciation, lessons are play-based filled with song and dance, craft and games focusing on early childhood development and fine/gross motor skills. Broucci use academic worksheets that work on their alphabet skills, electronic Albi pens, puzzles, board games and craft materials all with Czech themes. The aim is to equip children for a successful start in 1st grade.

Elementary Education Classes Mysaci
- 6y to 14y

Classes for school aged children are called Myšáci školáci. Students from age 6 and up start in 1st grade of elementary school where they learn Czech grammar, writing, reading and spoken language. Our curriculum follows the framework educational program for elementary education in the Czech Republic. Students receive a valid Certification of Education (Osvedceni) accepted in the Czech Republic education system. Available are classes from 1st through to 9th grade.

Our Education program for grades 1-9 can be found here.

(Vzdělávací program Czech School of California pro vzdělávání žáků 1. a 2. Stupně link pdf) 

Our students use class workbooks and education materials published in the Czech Republic. Parents are responsible for purchasing the books for their students prior to the start of the academic year. Full list is published here on our webpages and is emailed to all parents. Our Administration team has a small number of class books for purchase.

Online classes

Czech School of California has dedicated online tutors exclusively for online learning. Our students range from children and young adults starting Czech as a Foreign Language, extra curricular classes for students needing support in class based groups, Adults class and semi-private lessons to individual online lessons for students of all ages and abilities. Contact us for more information and current options available to you.

Adults and Czech as a Foreign Language classes

Our school has dedicated teachers focusing on adult education in the Czech language. We try to match students to form groups or semi-private lessons but individual classes are also in popular demand. Online lessons are flexible, tailored to individual needs and built around the student’s own schedule and vary from complete beginners, intermediate, more advanced speakers or anyone fluent looking to expand on their vocabulary.

Contact our Administration team for more information.

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